Lot 50

Sampler c. 1781, Rhode Island (probably Newport/Providence), with manor house in center, inscribed in cartouche on lower edge "Betty/Bucklin Her/Work Septe/mber/1781", manor house is flanked by trees and people, above manor house is a tree surrounded by trumpeting angels, birds, animals and flowers; below the manor house are birds, flowers with the following inscription in two columns "While hostile foes/our coasts invade/in all the pomp of/war arayd Ameri/cans be not dismayd/nor fear the sword/or gun" and "While Innocence is/all our pride and vir/tue is our only guide/women would scron/to be defyd if led by/Washington", with a floral and vine border, archivally mounted and framed under glass, ss: 15 3/4" h. x 12 1/4" w. [Bucklin and Eddy descended thru same family; lineage available]. Sampler published in "The American Sampler", 1921, by Bolton and Coe, page 35 (reprinted by Dover in 1973); for similar example by Sarah Experience Pope, reference "Girlhood Embroidery" by Betty Ring - Vol. 1, page 176, Figure 200 and "Let Virtue Be a Guide to Thee Catalog", page 82, Figure 25
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